The main purpose of this project is to develop an iOS application, which delivers a music that matches current user's heart rate or cadence in order to increase training performance. Specifically, it dynamically selects and play a song that suits user's tempo. But it also provides an ability to manually set up playlists in order to plan desired training pace.
Moreover, application will receive data from heartbeat sensors and accelerometers to detect cadence and give more accurate suggestions. It may conceivably improve training performance up to 10% according to many research papers described below.
The first part of the thesis describes system development process with applied methodologies and literature review of important background knowledge for developing the application. Market research is presented in Chapter 3. The system specifications and project requirements are presented in Chapter 4. Code structure and used tools are discussed in Chapter 5. It also contains programming logic, architecture and testing process. Chapter 6 contains thesis result, interface overview and conclusion.